It is our being purposely gracious or winsome that will help bring or win people to Christ.
Matthew 5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Jesus calls Christians "salt".
Salt is a preservative.
The world is morally and spiritually rotting away.
As Christians we act as preservatives against the rottenness.
We should be living in such a way that we are doing what is right. The world should see us as standing against the trends of wickedness. Salt spices things up. When a Christian is "spicy" he is giving excitement to a dull world that only thinks that life is exciting. The Christian has more abundant life in Christ. Salt makes one thirsty. The Christian should make non-Christians thirsty for a better life, for Christ, for having what the Christian has.
Jesus warns about salt that loses its savor or saltiness. If Christians are not salty they are not effective. Also, salt does no good if it's in the salt shaker and not be spread around.
How do we become "Winsome to Win Some" I have a few suggestions.
Consistency is something non-Christians lack. In order for us to act as preservatives and to make people want we have we need to be consistent in at least two ways.
If we believe in Jesus as our Savior, we also need to believe that Jesus has called us to live a holy life. Titus 2:11-12
You will not win anyone to Christ by being just like them. If your Christianity has not made you different, why should anyone else want it? I'm not saying you should walk around preaching everywhere you go. I am suggesting that the way you live should reflect an element of righteousness that is noticeable. As you live a holy life, one that is different, you will have opportunities to share your faith. 1 Peter 3:15
We will not win anyone to Christ by pretending to be something we are not. People do not like hypocrisy even when they are hypocritical themselves. One of the worst things we can do as Christians is to pretend everything is okay when it isn't. Some have this convoluted idea that Christians are to always smile, always laugh, always appear on top of things even when they are not. They are to never get angry or hurt.
We Christians do have our sorrows. We do have our hurts, trials and disappointments. We do get angry. We do have bad days. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Unsaved people need to see that we are human, we are real. But what should they see that's different from them in this. In our sorrow we should show hope and joy and thanksgiving. In our anger we should show forgiveness. Christians should not be defeated by the sorrows. They should use them as stepping stones towards a closer walk with God and that makes us different from the unsaved. James 1:2-4, Ephesians 4:32
So we need to be consistent with what we believe and who we are.
Proverbs 18:24 - A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly…
Not everyone is out going. Not everyone is a back-slapper. Not everyone treats all others as long lost friends. But whether we are introverted or out going, we can all be friendly.
We can take the time to say "Hello". We can take the time to ask how someone is doing. We can show interest in their answers. If a grouchy person gives you advice, are you likely to listen? If a person won't talk to you are you likely to take him seriously if all of a sudden he starts talking to you about religion? If your faith in Christ as not made you a friendly person, why should anyone want what you have?
One of the most precious commodities we have is time. None of us seem to have enough of it. Our job demands time. Keeping up with the yard and house demands time. Spending time with your family demands time. Church activities demand time. Sitting at the feet of Jesus to hear His Word takes time. Hobbies take time. Friendships take time. Developing relationships takes time. One of the most precious gifts you can give someone is your time! Using our time wisely takes discernment. Ephesians 5:16-18. If you want to win someone to Christ, it will take a time commitment on your part. One of the best things you can do is find things to do socially with an unsaved person. That doesn't mean you have to do things that you don't believe in, such as going to bars. But find things such as picnics, shopping, playing games, and hunting, going to ball games, and going out to eat that allow you to get to know each other better. If we are committed to winning people to Christ we must be committed to spending time with them. Sometimes we will have witnessing opportunities when we hardly know people. However being committed to a friendship will give you excellent opportunities to share.
Proverbs 27:10 - Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not…
Romans 12:15 - Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
Giving time to a friend is not just for social activities. When things are going bad for a friend, a true friend is around to listen, to cry, to help. When things are going well for a friend, a true friend is there to rejoice. Sometimes the only thing we can do for a friend is be there. Sometimes we can just listen. Showing concern begins with just checking on our friends to see how they are doing. Showing concern also means being sensitive to a person's moods, and knowing when to ask if things are okay. Showing concern may also mean tactfully warning someone when we see that they are headed in a wrong direction. Showing concern will earn you a hearing, when you are ready to share the Gospel. If a person knows that you are truly concerned for them, they are more likely to listen.
I realize that some of these thoughts overlap. Being concerned should lead us to the next logical step which is to cooperate with our friend in any way that we can to help. Galatians 6:10 - As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith
Our cooperation should begin with our support for the well being of those who are brothers and sisters in Christ. The demonstration of this active love for the brethren should be such in our Christian churches that the unsaved will take notice. John 13:34-2 But our cooperation is to go beyond those who are of our faith family. We need to reach out also to our friends and even people we don't know with a compassion that says "I'll help if I can." It might be a donation of money or groceries to a family in need. It might be transporting someone to the hospital and/or waiting through surgery. It might be going with someone to a hearing or some other uncomfortable situation. It might be bringing a meal or dessert to someone during a difficult time. You can be creative. There are many ways to cooperate in friendship.
This brings us back to what we talked about last week, clear communication. We must be prayerfully looking for opportunities to share our faith, even if it is in little does. We should not rush the process in wanting to witness if the door is not open. However, when God opens a door we need to be ready to move right in and speak up for Christ. Remember, the soul winning is a process.
1 Corinthians 3:6 - I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
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