Jeremiah 1:12 says: "Then said the Lord unto me, You have well seen: for I will hasten my Word to perform it." This reveals to us that when God says something, He is actively watching over it and waiting for someone to believe it and act upon it. God says He will hasten, and He will move quickly to fulfill the Word that He has spoken. God has already determined what He will do on your behalf. He has already seen your needs, your battles, your conflicts and shortcomings, and the things you will have to deal with. He has spoken to you, and He has given you a word. He says this or that about your situation, and then He says, "I will hasten. I will quickly move toward fulfilling that which I have spoken." Remember, God said that He's not a man that He should lie or repent, nor the son of man that He should turn from it. Realize, if God said it, He will make it good. If He spoke it, He will bring it to pass. What does this mean for you? When God speaks something, it's His Word, and it's His Word as if He was speaking from Heaven for the very first time to you personally. He will not turn from it, nor will He fail to bring it to pass. Read the Word, and read it as if God's voice is in there. Don't read it like a book, but read it like God is speaking to you right now.
Location:Gathings Dr,Fort Wayne,United States
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